Wednesday 2 September 2015

This Man Is Growing A Third Ear From His Arm, You Won’t Believe Why!

Australian performance artist Stelarc has two functioning ears, but he’s growing a third ear on his arm. Why? It’s all in the name of art. The process involved a complicated surgery; first the ear was constructed from a bio-compatible material then transplanted under the skin on Stelarc’s arm. Within six months the tissue and blood vessels in his arm morphed with the material. The artist explained his future plans for this new ear to OddityCentral: “he plans to make it more three-dimensional by using his own stem cells to develop a proper external ear lobe. Then, he wants to implant a Wi-Fi enabled microphone in it. The mic will be permanently activated, so people from around the world can ‘tune in’ to him and listen to whatever he’s hearing.”

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